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You deserve a Gaming Chair

 It has been almost 2 years since I have last blogged. I was pleasantly surprised to see the thousands of views from you guys. Thank you! Somehow, I realised that if I had to share an idea, the best way to reach a wide audience would not be through Facebook or Twitter (Not sure about other platforms I never evolved past those two 😅) but through this blog. Anyway back on topic. Background Story So I am in the technology industry. I work for a cool open source database company   and spend more than 8 hours every day sitting in front my PC (on a chair duh) to get work done. So far (well actually you can go as far as 25 years ago!), I have only been using the so called budget office chairs. By that I mean a typical office chair with 5 weak wheels, unadjustable arm rests and squeaky suspensions. Problems started around 2 or 3 months ago when one of the wheels broke off. Ok no big deal, or so I thought, the chair is still useable I should be able to manage. Now as you might have al...

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